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I don’t have a stick or any equipment, can I still join?
Do not worry about that – many of the girls have extra sticks and goggles that you can borrow until you are ready to buy your own. There is also a team order that is usually done in the fall in which players get sticks for a lower price.
When and where do you practice?
We currently practice at K-State’s Memorial Stadium and host games there as well. For information concerning practice times, please email either co-president on the contact page.

Are practices mandatory?
Yes, during the spring 2014 semester it is required to be at Monday practice and either Tuesday or Thursday classes. Practices can be missed with permission to do so.

Are there any requirements to join the team?
Players must be enrolled full time at K-State, maintain at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA, and are able to attend at least one practice a week, with valid excuses for why they are unable to attend the others.

I don’t have any experience, can I still join?
OF COURSE! We love new players and encourage anyone who is remotely interested to come out to a couple of practices to see what lacrosse is all about. And you will not be the only new player on the team- many of the girls are playing their first season this spring!

I am a graduate student, can I still join?
Yes, as long as you are a full time graduate student at K-State you are allowed to play on the team.

Refer to our contact page if you have any further questions about the team and women’s lacrosse.
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